Wednesday 27 June 2012

"Completely Renewed Through Christ"

Being a new creation in Christ means that you have been renewed. The old sinful person you once were has gone as a result of your being completely renewed through Christ. In fact, the word renew can be defined as "changing into something new and different, something better". That really sums up what renewal in Christ means in that we were remade into something better. For some of us, it may have been quite a struggle to remove the old sinful self and totally renovate our lives. It may continue to be a struggle, but know this : If you stay steadfast in your relationship with God, HE will continually work in your life to renew you and rid yourself of the stains of sin that may continually plague you.

Tuesday 12 June 2012

"GRACE FOR TODAY" ~ The Marked Trail

The marked path we walk has been established by God ahead of time. He has a plan for each of us. We tend to get frustrated when we experience setbacks. We get disappointed and we don't like to admit it, but sometimes our hearts get broken. Sometimes we feel lost or trapped in our careers or in our relationships. We see nothing to look forward to and we think there is no escape. Let me tell you,  those are situations that God has tailor-made to show us His faithfulness.

"Trust The Holy Spirit To Lead The Way"

Your destination has been chosen by God and He has prepared the itinerary for your journey. He speaks specifically to us through Scriptures if we learn how to listen. The Holy Spirit is now walking with you, showing you the way and keeping you company. He won't set you before a fork in the road - that's not His way. Trust Him to guide you today.

Friday 8 June 2012


God will not take you where His grace will not sustain you.The Lord said,"I knew you before I formed you in your mother's womb.Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my spokesman to the world" - [Jeremiah 1:5]

"Every Knee Will Bow & Every Tongue Confess That Jesus Christ Is Lord"