Wednesday 27 June 2012

"Completely Renewed Through Christ"

Being a new creation in Christ means that you have been renewed. The old sinful person you once were has gone as a result of your being completely renewed through Christ. In fact, the word renew can be defined as "changing into something new and different, something better". That really sums up what renewal in Christ means in that we were remade into something better. For some of us, it may have been quite a struggle to remove the old sinful self and totally renovate our lives. It may continue to be a struggle, but know this : If you stay steadfast in your relationship with God, HE will continually work in your life to renew you and rid yourself of the stains of sin that may continually plague you.

Tuesday 12 June 2012

"GRACE FOR TODAY" ~ The Marked Trail

The marked path we walk has been established by God ahead of time. He has a plan for each of us. We tend to get frustrated when we experience setbacks. We get disappointed and we don't like to admit it, but sometimes our hearts get broken. Sometimes we feel lost or trapped in our careers or in our relationships. We see nothing to look forward to and we think there is no escape. Let me tell you,  those are situations that God has tailor-made to show us His faithfulness.

"Trust The Holy Spirit To Lead The Way"

Your destination has been chosen by God and He has prepared the itinerary for your journey. He speaks specifically to us through Scriptures if we learn how to listen. The Holy Spirit is now walking with you, showing you the way and keeping you company. He won't set you before a fork in the road - that's not His way. Trust Him to guide you today.

Friday 8 June 2012


God will not take you where His grace will not sustain you.The Lord said,"I knew you before I formed you in your mother's womb.Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my spokesman to the world" - [Jeremiah 1:5]

"Every Knee Will Bow & Every Tongue Confess That Jesus Christ Is Lord"


Thursday 31 May 2012

"GOD Is Sufficient For Us"

We all have times when we desire some word from God and we know that this would encourage us. It would help us in our difficulties. His Word encourages our heart and teaches our mind. I have experienced this through His Spirit many times and today (21 December 2011), as I was doing my devotion in my room, I was ministered by the Holy Spirit and He said : 'Many have problems and trouble often leads to another; fear and worry comes together. BUT there is something very important here that is ~ We may not have these difficulties ourselves, but we may need to help people who do have them'.
My heart suddenly felt the urge to open my Bible and as I flipped open the Book Of Ezekiel, this Scripture came right before my eyes and God says "I have promised that I would do this – and I will. I, the Lord, have spoken".

Brothers & Sisters in Christ,
We may feel very depressed. But God is sufficient for us. This is true because in whatever our personal pain and despair, He desires to make our love for Him new again. He wants us to have a stronger confidence and trust in Him ~ I love you all in Christ.

"Praise Be To Your Name"

Praise be to Your Name, and to the Name of our blessed Saviour, our Lord Jesus Christ, and to that Eternal Spirit, who guides, and leads us with such love and care.
Help us to grow more and more like You - more into Your image, Heavenly Father. May heaven be here amongst us, and may our faces shine too in reflection of Your love.

"GRACE FOR TODAY" ~ Growth In Grace

We must give thanks to God for you always,Christian brothers.It is the right thing to do because your faith is growing so much.Your love for each other is stronger all the time
- [2 Thessalonians 1:3]

Saturday 26 May 2012

"I've Found Where I Belong"

My dearest Father in Heaven, this is for You :

I'll sing Your praises forever,
Deeper in love with You
Here in Your courts where I'm close to Your throne,
I've found where I belong .

Your loving daughter ~ Divine Love (Lisa Lim)


Commitment to stay together no matter what is essential for a strong and lasting relationship. If you leave open the option for spiltting up some day, chances are you will. If you don't see breaking up as an option, you will be committed to making your marriage work in all circumstances. This commitment joins you together in pursuing and accomplishing united lifelong goals.

We must not just please ourselves. We should help others do what is right and build them up in the Lord - [Romans 15:1-2]


Even if I walk into trouble, You will keep my life safe. You will pour out Your hand against the anger of those who hate me. And Your right hand will save me - [Psalm 138:7]

"Jesus Loves Me"

I fell in love with Jesus at Calvary's lonely tree,
I saw His love and kindness that I, His bride might be,
Look now - I am pure and lovely;
His blood has made me so,
The joy of life and death is this ~ Jesus loves me, this I know.

Wednesday 23 May 2012

"The Heart Is The Center Of Life"

It is within this uniquely created internal organ that we have physical life. Without it, life is just not possible. The heart is also the center of spiritual life. [Proverbs] tells us that we must guard our heart because it is the wellspring of both physical and spiritual life. Our heart determines our actions and reflects whether or not CHRIST is the center of our lives. That is why it is important that we ask GOD to continually renew our hearts. Take an inventory of your heart today. Is your heart where it needs to be or do you need GOD's renewal? Ask GOD to renew your heart and commit that HE will remain at the center of your heart.
[Proverbs 4:23]

Tuesday 22 May 2012

"GRACE FOR TODAY" ~ GOD's Pleasure

God takes pleasure in you. Be glad in the Lord and rejoice
- [Psalm 32:11]

"Talk To GOD About Everything"

You should talk to God just as you would to a very well-respected friend. Don't worry about using any special form of words but just talk openly, honestly and sincerely from your heart ~ this is what "prayer" is supposed to be. God knows what you are thinking anyway and you can't fool God or hide anything from Him. God knows you better than you know yourself. And the wonderful thing is that God still loves you! God invites us to fellowship with Him. This is what He desires. So please don't disappoint Him!

Friday 18 May 2012

"With GOD, What HE Says Is What We Get"

Listen, you’ll never have to question or doubt GOD’s Words. They’re pure and untainted by the falsehood and insincerity that winds its way through the human heart. When GOD says something, it’s absolutely true all the time – with no exceptions whatsoever. Not only is it exactly true, it’s also reliable and credible. With GOD, what HE says is what we get.

Thursday 17 May 2012

"GRACE FOR TODAY" ~ Trusting GOD's Will

We can trust GOD's perspective and will for our lives, even when what we see makes no sense. "I know the plans I have for you", says the LORD. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope" - [Jeremiah 29:11]

"In All Things And Situations, GOD Is Present"

You are not the only one who has ever faced doubt or uncertainty as to why GOD did not work in a certain way. It's not unusual for even the most spiritual people to have their days of doubt. Therefore, take heart my dear brothers and sisters in CHRIST; you may be in the midst of GOD's working and can't see the big picture. But GOD can.

"Allow GOD To Transform You"

It has been often said that the mind is the devil's playground. There is a lot of truth in that statement as so many of the spiritual battles we fight against our enemy take place in the mind. Maybe it's the guilt of a past sin that our spiritual enemy continues to place into your mind or the cravings of an addiction that you have not fully overcome. Perhaps, the enemy whispers negative words that give you doubts about your faith or your ability to accomplish what GOD has intended for you to do. Do as [Romans 12:2] says today and allow GOD to transform you through the renewing of your mind. Pray and ask GOD to remove the negative thoughts our spiritual enemy continues to infuse your mind with and allow GOD to renew your mind and replace the negativity with clarity and purity. Let GOD help you fight the battle in your mind and gain victory.